Collection is now open in the forest of animal hits!

You can enjoy the clothes of ANNA SUI and enjoy it in the animal forest!
This is a message from Ana to everyone.
"Gather The first time I saw the animal forest,
I immediately liked the cuteness of the image.
And importing some of the latest collection into the game
I thought it had deep meaning not only as a designer but also for my family.
That's because I knew my niece and nephew were going crazy.
So, I'm an animation designer. @ Pear_sui Call immediately,
We have created some classic looks.
Ana I think it's a good work that captures the spirit of Sui well.
It is a pleasant escape from this reality of the moment to an idealized world that we can control.
And we want to be fashionable in that world as well!"
Enjoy even a little home time,
We sincerely wish you the mental and mental health of your family.