Nail Care Oil N
・The product is mainly composed of a light smooth oil with a light texture and a viscous, rich smooth oil. It blends well with the skin, penetrates firmly into the nails and fingertips, and leaves them moisturized.
- Contains no silicone oils, so it is moist but not sticky and gives a moderate shine.
- Thoroughly coat your fingertips with oil to protect them from trouble!
- When you shake the container, the gold leaf will slowly fall down, sparkling like a snow globe, creating an elegant nail care experience.
Beauty ingredients< emollient effect> rosehip oil (rosa canina fruit oil), peach kernel oil (peach kernel oil), macadamia nut oil (macadamia nut oil), almond oil (almond oil), camellia oil (camellia seed oil)
- 使用方法
- ・爪やその周辺の皮ふに軽くマッサージするようにして、よくなじませます。ネイルカラーの上からでもお使いいただけます。
・ネイルカラーを塗布する場合は、爪表面に残ったオイルをよくふきとってからご使用ください。 - 全成分表示