Liquid Eye Color 800
A sparkling charm that will make your heart flutter!
Immerse yourself in the world of Anna Sui
Introducing a liquid eye color that lets you greedily enjoy the brilliance of color!
Exciting and fun ♪ There are no rules or logic involved!
Choose your favorite color for that day and time and have fun with it.
Vivid and exceptionally sparkling. The impact of brilliance
- In pursuit of boldly highlighting the brilliance of pearls themselves to the fullest.
Each color is expressed by blending a generous amount of highly luminous pearls into a clear liquid base.
It is based on a formula that layers pearls in just the right amount to enhance reflectivity and make the skin appear more radiant, so the moment you apply it, you can enjoy the striking, colorful sparkle to your heart's content.
It's smooth! You can stretch it, blur it, and layer it as you like!
- Grows smoothly with a light touch, leaving skin feeling refreshed.
・The diagonally cut, flocked tip has long bristles that make it easy to apply the right amount to the upper and lower eyelids. You can easily add sparkle wherever you want.
Sparkling ☆ Freshness that lasts forever
Even when your eyes are moving a lot, you won't have to worry about creasing or the pearls falling off, and the shine will last as if you just applied it even after a while.
Contains beauty ingredients
- 使用方法
- ・適量をとり、まぶたに塗布します。
- 全成分表示
- 水・ホウケイ酸(Ca/Al)・エタノール・BG・グリセリン・ポリクオタニウム-104・アスコルビン酸・イザヨイバラエキス・カニナバラ果実エキス・シャクヤク花エキス・センチフォリアバラ花エキス・トコフェロール・モモ種子エキス・EDTA-2Na・TEA・(アクリレーツ/アクリル酸アルキル(C10-30))クロスポリマー・アクリレーツコポリマー・カルボマー・ジメチコン・スクロース・スクワラン・ステアリン酸・ステアリン酸グリセリル・ステアリン酸グリセリル(SE)・セスキオレイン酸ソルビタン・セテアリルアルコール・タルク・トリセテアレス-4リン酸・ポリステアリン酸スクロース・ポリソルベート80・ミネラルオイル・ラウリル硫酸Na・レシチン・ローカストビーンガム・ワセリン・酸化スズ・メチルパラベン・香料・マイカ・酸化チタン・酸化鉄